IV. Aging well

IV. Aging well


Frailty precedes disability and dependence, but it has the advantage that it can be reversed

Frailty and physical deterioration.

Frailty syndrome appears as a decrease in lean mass, muscle strength, stamina, walking speed and physical activity. The increase in fragility contributes to a higher incidence of falls and the risk of disability, institutionalisation and death.

The main distinguishing signs of physical deterioration are:


Loss of strength in the
palmar grasp reflex.


Feeling of


weight loss.


Less physical activity linked to lower levels of energy and muscle strength.


Loss of gait speed

Four phases are identified in the progression of functional impairment:


Strong older adult.
Having virtually no disorders, functionally autonomous, no cognitive decline.


Having some disorders, slower walking speed and possibly some cognitive issues.


Having a greater number of disorders, diabetes is often present, slight cognitive decline, emotional disorders, there may be a loss of independence for some daily activities.


Having moderate to serious cognitive decline with a significant number of chronical pathologies and the need for other people to carry out their daily activities.

A predictive model for the early detection of frailty.


In this video, María Teresa Moreno Casbas, Research Director at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, explains the research conducted to establish a predictive model as a possible modulator of ageing in health.

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The research proposes the use of easy-to-use sensors for continuous and proactive monitoring of circadian rhythms, physical activity or eating patterns in older people, in order to detect disorders in the body which may be associated with premature states of frailty. With the information collected and the use of ambient intelligence technologies and big data, the aim is to implement and assess a new predictive system, which can be made available to the scientific community and to healthcare professionals, for the early, automated detection of states of frailty in the very surroundings where older people live their daily life.

In this video, Jesús Ávila de Grado, Chief Scientific Officer of the Network Centre for Biomedical Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED), discusses the research carried out in the PredDetCog coordinated programme, the purpose of which is to predict cognitive decline and dementia in cognitively healthy older people.

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The research proposes the use of easy-to-use sensors for continuous and proactive monitoring of circadian rhythms, physical activity or eating patterns in older people, in order to detect disorders in the body which may be associated with premature states of frailty. With the information collected and the use of ambient intelligence technologies and big data, the aim is to implement and assess a new predictive system, which can be made available to the scientific community and to healthcare professionals, for the early, automated detection of states of frailty in the very surroundings where older people live their daily life.

Interesting factcuriosidad

Do you want to learn more about the determinants of health
according to the Lalonde report?

See answer

Marc Lalonde is a well-known lawyer who worked as Canada’s Minister of National Health and Welfare. In 1972, he published proposals for a major overhaul of the Canadian social security system.

The variety of personal, social, economic and environmental factors that affect one’s state of health are known as determinants of health.

The determinants of health fall within several broad categories:

  • Policy making
  • Social factors
  • Healthcare services
  • Individual behaviour
  • Biology and genetics

The interrelations between these factors determine the health of the individual and of the population. As a result, it is more likely that interventions intended for multiple determinants of health are effective. Determinants of health go beyond the limits of the traditional healthcare and public health sectors; sectors such as education, housing, transportation, agriculture and the environment can be important allies in improving a population’s health.

See Lalonde report articulo flag-uk Learn about the impact of the state of frailty on the health and quality of life of older people in Spain. link flag-es