II. Starting point

II. Starting point


Having fewer negative emotions, being optimistic, and learning how to manage problems are conducive to good ageing

Behaviour and personality.

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2001) established behavioural factors or lifestyles, in addition to other personal conditions, as the determinants of ageing, the most notable of which include:


Intellectual functioning

The ability to learn, understand, reason and make decisions, the person’s response time when processing information, the ability to adapt to new situations, and problem solving.


Positive affect

Our satisfaction with life, the absence of negative emotions, and being optimistic.


Extrovert personality

Tenacity and emotional stability.

These factors
have a significant
impact on achieving
greater longevity
in better conditions

Interesting factcuriosidad

The will-to-live as an expression of the well-being of older people

See answer

Older adults that make up the study group with high will-to-live are characterised by higher levels of optimism, gratitude, resilience, positive affect, sense of life, psychological prosperity, happiness, and satisfaction with life, as well as lower levels of depression and negative self-perception of ageing. The implications of these results point towards the relevance of the will-to-live in successful ageing.

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